Is Governor Scott of Florida Eligible to Run Again

Rick Scott to run for reelection in '24

Hullo and welcome to Fri.

Walk On — While 2024 is a long time away, i possible presidential contender from Florida is taking his name out of the running and says he's going to run for re-election instead.

Rust Never Sleeps Sen. Rick Scott, who was in his hometown of Naples for Veterans Solar day, told NBC ii that "I have no plans to run in '24. I plan on running for the Senate in '24."

I've Been Waiting For You This isn't a huge surprise, especially since sometime President Donald Trump seems to move closer and closer to mounting his own bid to retake the role. Plus, Scott hasn't gotten the boost in his national standing the way Gov. Ron DeSantis has equally he battles the Biden assistants and pushes his anti-lockdown Covid-nineteen stance.

Rockin' in the Complimentary World Simply information technology's besides wrong to underestimate Scott, a multimillionaire sometime health care executive who poured millions of dollars into his three runs for office and then far. He's methodical and calculating, while at the same time remaining cognizant on "ROI" — render on investment — as he is addicted of saying. His decision to run the National Republican Senatorial Committee ahead of the 2022 midterms was seen as a way for him to create a national network for himself before a possible presidential bid. If he thought there was a path to the presidency, he would take it.

After the Gold Rush Information technology'due south worth noting that in his cursory television interview, Scott also did not audio enthusiastic about either a Trump or DeSantis run for president. (Let's recall, every bit always, that Scott and DeSantis don't really get forth with each other.) He said that he would support the Republican nominee just also said "at that place'southward a lot of people talking about running in '24. Nosotros'll run across what happens."

— WHERE'Due south RON? — Nothing official announced for Gov. DeSantis.

HAPPENING TODAY The "Florida Roundup" on many of Florida's public radio stations discuss the federal infrastructure pecker and who it will affect in Florida. POLITICO's own Andrew Atterbury will be on to bring together a discussion of next week's special legislative session about vaccine mandates.

Have a tip, story, suggestion, birthday, anniversary, new job, or whatever other nugget for Playbook? Make it touch: [email protected]

HMM — POLITICO D.C. Playbook is out this a.m. with this interesting bit: DONALD TRUMP has been complaining to members and guests at Mar-a-Lago that Florida Gov. RON DESANTIS still hasn't joined the other 2024 hopefuls in pronouncing that he won't run for president if Trump runs. One invitee suspects that Trump'southward gripes are then frequent considering he is planting them in hopes that they'll get back to DeSantis. Trump has told his advisers that DeSantis privately bodacious him that he won't run if Trump does, but that's not enough for the quondam president — he wants DeSantis to say it in public.

Warnings Trump has fifty-fifty suggested that DeSantis shouldn't underestimate his Democratic challenger CHARLIE CRIST, calling him a "killer." Now, as DeSantis crisscrosses the country to raise money for his 2022 reelection, Trump aides are starting to experience force per unit area to choice sides. Trump has made it known that he didn't appreciate that erstwhile White Firm master of staff MARK MEADOWS traveled to Beverly Hills for a DeSantis fundraiser in June (likewise in attendance: Trump pal and casino magnate STEVE WYNN and former Treasury Secretary STEVE MNUCHIN) and and then went on to Orange County, where he introduced DeSantis to other deep-pocketed donors. In a statement to Playbook, a spokesperson for Trump called this reporting "fake news."

WHAT'Southward GOING ON? The campaign of Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried insists that the Democratic candidate did not miss the borderline to turn in her monthly fundraising written report. The Sectionalisation of Elections website still does not list Fried's October totals. But the entrada has circulated a screenshot that shows the study was submitted electronically only earlier 6 p.chiliad. on Wednesday. That screenshot besides shows that Fried raised $141,477 for her official account, bringing her October total to just over $414,000. Democratic chief rival Rep. Charlie Crist raised nearly $625,000 final month.

'CONSENT ORDER' — "Mystery group behind attack ads in Central Florida Senate race strikes settlement with ballot officials," by Orlando Picket'due south Jason Garcia and Annie Martin: "The leader of a mysterious grouping that sent attacks final year in an important Key Florida state Senate race without always disclosing its donors has struck a tentative deal to settle a complaint accusing his group of breaking land election laws. The terms of the proposed 'consent order' betwixt Stephen Jones, the chairperson of Floridians for Equality and Justice, and the Florida Elections Commission are confidential for now."

Campaign ROUNDUP State Sen. Shevrin Jones is launching his 2022 re-ballot campaign this morning time with the release of a video that mentions the challenges of reducing gun violence and standing the work against the coronavirus pandemic. The West Park Democrat said in a argument that "while we have made incredible progress, there is still a lot of piece of work ahead as nosotros recover from the pandemic, safeguard civil rights and our democracy, and look to the hereafter to build pathways to prosperity and opportunity for every Floridian." ... Rep. Charlie Crist'southward gubernatorial campaign announced former Biden for President Labor & Veterans Vote Director, Carlos Carrillo, has joined the campaign team as a senior adviser on labor … Beverly Young, the widow of the late Rep. Bill Immature, is endorsing Republican Amanda Makki in the race for Florida'south 13th Congressional District. She called Makki an "abet for veterans and Pinellas County residents" and said she's a improve selection than GOP candidate Anna Paulina Luna, who was the political party nominee in 2020 and is running again with Trump's endorsement. "After staying out of politics for the terminal viii years, I can't sit on the sidelines anymore," Young said in a statement. "Specially after I saw the terrible campaign Luna ran last year and lost this seat for Republicans when nosotros picked upwards seats all across Florida."

— "Gambling amendment campaigns plow some other $22 million into drives," past Florida Politics' Scott Powers

— "Orangish elections supervisor foils simulated election in Orlando'south ballot," by Orlando Spotter'due south Ryan Gillespie

TAKING A CLOSER Look — "A deep dive into Florida Senate'due south draft redistricting maps," by POLITICO's Matt Dixon: A solar day after Florida's first round of redistricting maps was released, a theme is emerging that is more surprising than specific changes to the state'south political lines: Everyone is relatively happy. Democrats and progressive-leaning voter groups were concerned heading into Florida'due south 2022 redistricting cycle that Republican majorities in the Legislature would use the process to endeavour to draw maps that would further entrench their majorities.

Some key highlights The 14th Congressional District currently held by Democrat Kathy Castor, which includes all of Tampa, in its electric current form is a safe Autonomous seat that Joe Biden won with nearly 58 per centum of the vote. Under the Senate drafts, however, Biden would have won with 51 percentage of the vote, creating what will functionally be a swing seat during the 2022 midterms when Republicans are expected to have momentum.

Worth watching Republican Ileana Garcia's state Senate Commune 37 would be significantly easier for Democrats to retake under the proposed Senate maps. Biden, under the Senate'south proposed redistricting, would eke out a victory over Trump with less than 50 per centum in the newly-configured seat…Republican Jason Brodeur'due south Senate District ix based in Seminole County too would become tougher for Republicans to hold. The seat equally proposed past the Senate would dip into bluer Orange County, boosting Democrats chances in a commune that was already considered a swing seat.

Tallahassee seat in play? Democrat Loranne Ausley's Tallahassee-based Senate District 3 would become an easier pickup for Republicans under the Senate draft. Biden carried the seat with 54 percent of the vote in 2020, a number that would driblet to nether 51 percent on the Senate draft maps.

Two incumbents, one seat The proposed Senate map draws both incumbent Republican state Sens. Dennis Baxley (R-Ocala) and Keith Perry (R-Gainesville) into District 8. The northward-central Florida seat, which is very Republican-leaning, dips further south to selection up parts of Marion County where Baxley lives. … The proposed maps also draw in incumbent Democrats state Sens. Lori Berman (D-Delray Embankment) and Tina Polsky (D-Boca Raton) into what is Senate District 31. Berman told Political leader that she is "not worried about information technology" and stressed it'south early in the procedure.

Light-green RUSH — "In sentencing, prosecutors claimed Burnette, Beshears manipulated Florida medical marijuana law," by Us Today Network-Florida's Jeffrey Schweers: "Federal prosecutors argued that Tallahassee programmer John 'J.T.' Burnette deserved a stiffer judgement, in office because he admitted to conspiring with childhood friend and former land Rep. Halsey Beshears 'to continue out competitors' in the nascent medical marijuana industry. Burnette, convicted in August on extortion and other charges, was sentenced to iii years in federal prison house Tuesday. His attorneys accept vowed to entreatment. Prosecutors had asked for upward to 8 years, saying the in one case prominent businessman used his 'ability and wealth to decadent the political procedure.'"

— "Higher is unaffordable for many Florida students, just available financial aid is going unused," by WUSF's Bailey LeFever

— "Eskamani files bill to remove restrictions on how Orange County can spend tourism taxes," by Orlando Lookout'south Caroline Glenn

The daily rundown — The Centers for Affliction Control and Prevention has not posted daily totals for Wednesday. The U.S. Department of Health and Homo Services reported that 1,527 hospital beds were being used in the state for Covid-19 patients.

DROPPED — "Florida schools drib mask mandates ahead of special session," past POLITICO'southward Andrew Atterbury: After months of fighting with the DeSantis assistants, the last few Florida school districts requiring students to wear masks are loosening their Covid-19 restrictions. The final three school board holdouts — Alachua, Broward and Miami-Dade counties — this week agreed to drop their student mask mandates and come up in line with a contentious state rule, signaling the possible conclusion to a fall disharmonism ripe with lawsuits and sanctions.

'INITIAL SUPPLY' — "Florida ordered xc,000 doses of the child vaccine. Texas ordered one meg," past Tampa Bay Times' Ian Hodgson and Kirby Wilson: "Florida health officials say they preordered approximately ninety,000 kid-size doses of the Pfizer vaccine. That's plenty to fully vaccinate 3 per centum of Florida's approximately ane.vii one thousand thousand children ages 5 to 11. Texas, some other Republican-led country, preordered 1 meg doses — enough to fully vaccinate over 17 percent of the state's children in the same age group. California preordered 860,000 doses, enough to fully vaccinate 13 percent of kids there."

— "Report: Nursing domicile staff vaccination rates up; COVID-xix deaths down," by Florida Politics' Christine Jordan Sexton

— "Was Florida's decision to prioritize antibody treatments the right call?" by WFTV's Christopher Heath

'A TERRIBLE Fault' — "Sen. Marco Rubio wants to ban these contributions for election initiatives," past Miami Herald's Alex Daugherty and Jimena Tavel: "For years, Republican politicians have generally embraced fewer restrictions on political donations, arguing that deep-pocketed donors and corporations have a right to support politicians they concord with. Merely a recent Federal Elections Commission Ruling led Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio to accept a dissimilar approach. On November ii, the FEC ruled that foreign donors can contribute to state-based ballot initiatives and referendum campaigns — potentially opening the door for foreigners to influence U.S. policy."

However TRYING — "U.S. Rep. Lois Frankel: Broaden health coverage by expanding Obamacare," by Palm Embankment Mail's Antonio Fins: "Thwarted again, this time by ane of their own, a Florida congressional Democrat said Tuesday that Medicaid expansion efforts in the country may at present be achieved by broadening Obamacare. U.Southward. Rep. Lois Frankel said she is confident a path to comprehend Florida's uninsured via the 2010 Affordable Care Human action has been agreed to on Capitol Hill. The vehicle to achieving this long-held goal among Florida Democrats is the second piece of the Biden administration's infrastructure agenda, the so-called Build Back Improve legislation."

'INCREDIBLY PUNITIVE LAW' — "Ii strikes and you lot're in prison forever," by The Marshall Projection'due south Cary Aspinwall and Weihua Li and the Tampa Bay Times' Dan Sullivan: "In many states, people sentenced to life used to go eligible for parole after xv years. Simply Florida and others virtually ended parole a generation ago, and life sentences became permanent. Today, Florida has more than than 13,600 people serving life without parole, far more than whatsoever other state and almost a quarter of the total nationwide. Though this sentence is widely seen equally an alternative to the death penalty, which is used in murder cases, 44 percent of the people serving it in Florida were not convicted of that crime, according to the analysis of state data."

— "Opa-Locka mayor abruptly resigns during commission meeting, citing 'corruption,'" past Miami Herald'due south Aaron Leibowitz

— "Tallahassee police force to release less information, fewer alerts nearly crime to public," by Tallahassee Democrat's Christopher Cann

— "Grouping mobilizes against official who was Adjuration Keeper," by The Associated Press

— "Wintertime the dolphin dies at Clearwater aquarium," by Tampa Bay Times Jack Evans and Tracey McManus: "Wintertime the dolphin, the beloved star of the "Dolphin Tale" movies whose story of resilience with a prosthetic tail, and contempo disease, captured attention around the world, has died. Winter died at nearly 7:45 p.thousand. as she was beingness prepped for exploratory surgery to treat an intestinal blockage at Clearwater Marine Aquarium, according to aquarium board chairperson Paul Auslander. She was xvi."

— "Versailles, the 'most famous Cuban eating place in the globe,' celebrates its 50th ceremony," by Lord's day Watch'south Yvonne H. Valdez: "Piffling Havana'south iconic Versailles Restaurant celebrated its 50th anniversary on Wednesday with a special carte with 1971 prices — ham croquette for 20 cents, breaded steak for $3.25, Cuban coffee, 20 cents — and fans, celebrities, South Florida politicians, lots of dancing and music. The three generations of the Valls family, who founded Versailles on Calle 8, honored their endless famous and not-famous patrons at the event."

BIRTHDAYS: Land Rep. Nick DiCeglie … former Lt. Gov. Jeff Kottkamp ... Linda Shelley, former principal of staff for Gov. Lawton Chiles ... Taylor Patrick Biehl of Capitol Alliance Grouping ... Orlando Sentinel's Grayness Rohrer ... (Sat) … state Rep. Sam Garrison Mark Delegal, partner at Delegal Aubuchon Consulting … (Lord's day) former House Speaker Volition Weatherford

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